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Motorized Bicycles in Florida


There are many benefits to be had by using a motorized bicycle as your primary (or secondary) method of transportation. With rising gas prices, environmental concerns and a suffering economy, it's no wonder more and more people are choosing them over other options.

Electric Bicycles (E-Bikes)

According to federal law, e-bikes are defined as bikes that have a motor no bigger than 750 watts, and that have a top speed of 20 MPH on level ground.

In Florida, e-bikes are considered bicycles and are subject to the same laws and regulations as traditional bicycles. This includes using lights and reflectors at night and following traffic laws. Additionally, riders under 16 years of age are required to wear a helmet.

Unlike some other states, there are currently no specific laws in Florida regarding the classification of e-bikes based on their power output and top assisted speed.

It's important to note that local regulations may vary, so it's always best to check with your local authorities for more information.


Excluding motorcycles and e-bikes, there are two other categories for motor-driven cycles in Florida - mopeds and motorized scooters. It's important to pay close attention to which category your vehicle falls into, since there are different laws and requirements for each. Along those same lines, if your motor-driven cycle is too powerful to fit into either of the following classifications, then it is likely classified as a motorcycle, which also has it's own laws and requirements, including different licensing and registration laws.

In Florida, in order for a vehicle to be considered a moped it must:

  • Have a seat
  • Have pedals for assisting in propulsion
  • Have 3 or less wheels
  • Have a motor with 2 brake hp or less, and 50 cc or less displacement size
  • Be unable to go more than 30 mph on level ground
  • Have an automatic transmission

Moped Requirements

In Florida, you must have a valid Class E driver's license and be at least 16 years old to drive a moped on public roads. Additionally, you must register your moped and renew the registration every year. You need to attach your motorcycle license plates, and will be issued a special license plate if you are under 21 years old. You will have to pay a registration fee of $5, and you can register at any local tax collection office.

Once you are license and registered, you will need to keep in mind a few additional laws regarding moped use, such as the following:

  • You cannot ride a moped in standard bicycle or sidewalks.
  • If you are under 16 years old or younger, you must always wear a helmet while riding.

You do not need to carry insurance in order to register your moped in Florida.

Motorized Scooters in Florida

In Florida, in order for a vehicle to be considered a motorized scooter it must:

  • Not have a seat designed to be used while riding
  • Have 3 wheels or less
  • Be unable to go more than 30 mph on level ground

In summary, the main difference between what classifies a vehicle as a scooter rather than a moped is that a scooter does not have a seat.

Similar to mopeds, you must have a valid Class E driver's license and be at least 16 years old to drive a scooter on public roads, and you are not required to carry insurance. However, unlike mopeds, you do not need to register or title a motorized scooter. Still, you aren't allowed to drive them on sidewalks.

If your motorized cycle does not meet any of the above classifications, then it is most likely classified as a motorcycle, and must obey all of the motorcycle laws and requirements.

Don't Have a Motorcycle License?

We've got you covered. Click the button below to see a list of e-bikes that don't require any license or registration to ride on public roads in Florida:

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